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  • End #FamilyCourtCorruption NOW! @jacindaardern @ScottMorrisonMP @POTUS @PMOIndia @JustinTrudeau @PrimeministerGR @ImranKhan
  • By Daveyone
  • World4Justice
  • 13/03/2019 Make a Comment (2)
  • Contributed by: Daveyone ( 15 articles in 2019 )
End #FamilyCourtCorruption in 2019
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Fathers4Justice @F4JOfficial

Great question by @redditchrachel at #PMQS re getting more women into business. An even better question is why her party opposes 50/50 shared parenting for separated dads, which would give women more time + freedom to start their own businesses

Fathers4Justice @F4JOfficial

WHAT ARE YOUR CHILD SUPPORT / CMS QUESTIONS? F4J founder Matt O’Connor will be following his trip to Scotland with a meeting at the DWP/CMS tomorrow. If you have any questions you would like Matt to ask, let us know! #CMS #ChildSupport #F4J #Fathers4Justice

Fathers4Justice @F4JOfficial

GRANDPARENTS ACCESS RIGHTS ON BBC RADIO 2 NOW! Join the debate & raise the F4J campaign for the 1m grandparents denied access & the 200 dads who lose contact with their kids every day @BBCRadio2 @theJeremyVine #F4J #Fathers4Justice #Grandparents

Sue presented a Family Justice Bill to Parliament today, calling for better enforcement of Child Arrangement Orders, a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting and for a Commission to make recommendations of reform of our out of date family justice system.

Even though I have been met by some fair court hearings (but sadly some of late have clearly failed that had to be officially complained on which now also includes my local MP who is helping!) my innocent Daughter still is overpowered by her Mother who still has no fear nor anyway to coparent and unite in a balanced way for our Daughter, I have never known the true meaning of a sociopath nor narcissist until my Daughter was used as a pawn and pulled away from her half of family who we all love as she loves us. This is NOT positive for Any child and progress Must enhance to protect our children.

Thank you to all those who signed petitions and got our concerns raised in parliament, as adults we have a concern and duty to help where we can for our worlds children. Thank you and well done.

Sue is one to watch on this subject and many issues are coming to the table to be resolved and must be resolved for our child(rens) future.


    By:MARTIN LYNCH from Arizona, United States on July 9, 2019 @ 11:41 am
    The remedy for corruption in the Family Court has already been addressed in the Constitution and the Federalist Papers which explain how the Constitution is intended to work. These are open source documents which are not secret. See Federalist #83 paragraph 17.
    Nobody is stopping you from learning about your rights. After that, all you need to do is what Alexander Hamilton says.
    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" so the Founders put layers of checks and balances into our government to prevent corruption. So if you know they included a check upon a judge to steal your children and all your money, where is that check upon judicial power? What is this check? How is it implemented?
    Learn your rights and be free. Or remain ignorant and be a slave. You decide. Thanks, ML
    By:jean from Georgia, USA on March 28, 2019 @ 4:58 pm
    My daughter is currently experiencing an unjust family court custody battle. I am appalled at how this has been handled. Court needs changes and fair practices. Willing to fight for a better system!

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